March 12th, 2011 at 02:51 pmThis is my first attempt at blogging. I have kept journals in the past but that was way back in my college days. I am going to use this to try to keep myself accountable for trying to save money. We are currently a one income household, except for the DH's unemployment that should last hopefully through the end of the year. He saw the writing on the wall so we were prepared for loss of his job. He started school part time the last year of his job and now he is a full time student and should finish up next spring. The only debt we have is our mortgage and we have that at a payment that I can send extra each month. Our problem is mainly spending, well over spending at the grocery store. I just don't know why we can't get that one together. We have been living by a save, save, save mentality for a couple of years now and we have just over 60K in savings, CDs, and money markets but we just can't seem to get the grocery store down. We should be able to save money each month but that darn grocery bill just kills us. For the 2 of us we spend on average over $150 a week! That is combining the 2 differents stores (walmart & local grocery store) and all cleaning, toiletries, and food. I just think that could and should be lower! I also would like to set up an account that is just for property taxes and insurance for our cars and our home and vacation home rather than use money in savings. The money saved at the grocery store could pay for at least one of these. Even $25 a week would take care of our car insurance for the year! I have read for many years now different blogs and have seen that people have done great debt repayment and savings and I am hopeful that this will work for me too!